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Emotion, Body & Belief Codes Session

What are the Codes & What to Expect

What is the ultimate goal of our time together?

Bringing your body back into balance by releasing trapped emotions, imbalances and unwanted beliefs.


What is a Trapped Emotion?

  • It is an emotional energy that is stuck in your body and is approximately the size of a clenched fist.

  • Trapped emotions are found in humans of all ages and even animals.

  • It originates in your organ or gland, but can lodge anywhere in your body where it can exert a force on your energy field and can lead to imbalances and physical/emotional issues.

  • Once a trapped emotion is released it is gone forever, but a newly trapped emotion can develop from this point moving forward.


What are the results of a Trapped Emotion?

  • It can slow down your body's healing time.

  • A trapped emotion can make you feel older.

  • It causes fatigue and breaks down your body's organs, glands, joints and tissues.


What are the six types of Trapped Emotions?

  • Absorbed - this type is when you have trapped the emotional energy of another person (parent, family member, friend, spouse, coworker, etc.).

  • Common - this type is when emotions have become trapped during your lifetime (after birth). They are the most common out of all six types of trapped emotions. 

  • Inherited - this type is when you have inherited a trapped emotion from your biological parent at the moment of conception. These inherited energies can go back many generations within your lineage. Once the trapped emotion has been released, it is released not only from you, but your lineage and also from the offspring you may have. 

  • Preconception - this type of trapped emotion becomes lodged in your energy body prior to conception, but is not inherited from your ancestor. This type is relatively rare. 

  • Prenatal - this type usually occurs during the third trimester. It is often an absorbed emotion from your mother, but it can also originate while you are a fetus. 

  • Shared - this type is created when you have experienced an emotionally intense event with others at the same time. You have developed the same vibrational frequency. Some examples would be 9/11, a shooting, a natural disaster, death of a family member or friend, etc. Once you have released a shared trapped emotion, it is then released from everyone else involved. 


What is a Heart-Wall?

  • A Heart-Wall is made up of one or more trapped emotions that your subconscious mind uses to surround and protect your heart. It is used as a protective barrier against emotional pain, stress or a traumatic event. Each trapped emotion is known as a Heart-Wall emotion and represents one layer within the collective Heart-Wall. When all of the Heart-Wall emotions have been removed, then your Heart-Wall is gone. 

  • I like to think of the Heart-Wall as an onion - removing one layer at a time.


What is an Imbalance?

  • Imbalances are generally low vibrational energies and are always disruptive to the normal, balanced state of your physical and spirit bodies.

  • An imbalance can cause other types of imbalances in your body (ex: a trapped emotion can lead to a kidney imbalance). 

  • An imbalance is the root cause of discomfort, sickness and suffering in both the physical and spirit bodies and can cause blockages along with limitations that hold you back. 


What is a Belief within a Belief System?

  • Beliefs are electromagnetic, energetic frequencies that are stored in your energy body just like trapped emotions are. They make up a belief system which holds the energetic, vibrational information. 

  • A belief is a subjective view that something is either true or false.

  • The identification process that is done within a session consists of finding the closest approximate description statement that is used to define and help the belief be more relatable to your conscious mind - it is NOT the statement that is important, but the energy your subconscious mind reveals. 

  • Think of beliefs as "colored glasses" you put on - you want to believe and have control over your conscious beliefs, but sometimes your subconscious beliefs don't align with those desired thoughts.


For more information on the Emotion, Body & Belief Codes​


Things to consider prior to the session

  • Make sure that you are comfortable by wearing comfortable clothes and room temperature.

  • If at all possible, avoid distractions (phone, children, pets). 

  • Hydration is important prior to a session and also once a session has been completed - drink plenty of water!

  • It doesn't hurt to have Kleenex nearby 😊


Before starting our session together, I will... 

  • take a moment of silence to connect with my higher self along with your higher self, our spirit teams and only those of love & light.

  • ask for guidance and protection during our session together and will give thanks in advance. 

  • connect to your subconscious by proxy, so we are able to receive accurate information. 


What is the role of your subconscious within the session?

  • It is the truth detector - it knows the truth about your body, imbalances and what is needed.

  • It is driving the train throughout our session together - it is who I go to for the answers. 

  • Your subconscious will be guiding us as we uncover trapped emotions, imbalances and belief systems. 


What is my role within the session?

  • I am ONLY the facilitator - nothing more, nothing less.


What to expect during the session

  • I will be decoding the trapped emotions, imbalances and/or belief systems by using charts in front of me.

  • I use muscle testing (kinesiology) and my intuitive ability to find information by asking your subconscious mind Yes/No questions.

  • When we are ready to release, reset, correct, etc., I will be swiping a magnetic hematite stone over my governing meridian multiple times. I will then ask your subconscious if we were successful.​


Once a session is complete, you may experience the following:

  • lightness

  • calm

  • joy/happy

  • sleepy

  • irritability

  • sensitive

  • physical discomfort (usually mild & temporary)


Post-session processing, repairing & detoxifying

  • Your body now needs time to heal and continue to completely release the residual energies of the trapped emotions, imbalances and/or beliefs. 

  • Depending on the session, the processing time can take 1-3 days (or more).

  • I will ask your subconscious when the earliest you are able to have your next session. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


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