Remote Reiki Session / 30 min
30 minutes, No face time
This Remote Reiki session is done remotely without face-to-face time. This session is for people or pets/animals As the Practitioner, I will first access the condition of your chakras and then will proceed to remove any blockages by allowing your "life energy" to flow to where it is most needed. Reiki is a natural and safe method of energy healing that promotes positive changes by allowing the body to relax. Reiki works holistically on the "cause" rather than the "effect". I facilitate the Reiki energy across time & space by using energy frequencies that can't be seen with the naked eye - same as electricity, radio and wifi. There is no difference in results when done at a distance, remotely or in person. * A report will be emailed to the client following the session

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact Intuitive Healing with Janice at least 24 hours in advance. All required forms must be completed prior to first session. If a client is a NO SHOW and doesn’t contact Intuitive Healing with Janice within 30 minutes of session start time, the client will not be able to schedule another session until first contacting and giving reason for NO SHOW.
Contact Details
(360) 389-2817